Monday, March 19, 2007

Back At It

Okay, so I spend the first half of last week sick. When I finally returned to work, I spent the rest of the time working on converting some of the websites I am in charge of to the new UTK Templates. It was all pretty boring from a discovery of Ubuntu standpoint.

In any case, when I got back to work this morning, I noticed that I had updates. There were 6 of them totaling 5.4MB. However, there was a new twist to the updates this morning. I no longer only have security updates, I now have multiple categories of updates. Today I had
1 Security Update, 2 recommended updates, 2 Backport updates and 1 "other" update.

I told it to go ahead and perform all of the updates and I got a warning message: Warning you are about to install software that can't be authenticated! Doing this could allow a malicious individual to damage or take control of your system.

Well of course this doomsday message is not what you want to see first thing on a Monday morning so I canceled the install and told it not to install the software it could not authenticate (Automatix 2 - that piece of software I installed because it was recommended, but then got rid of because it was worthless...) and let it do the rest of the updates. They went smooth, but now my computer always alerts me to the fact that I have an update available. I can't figure out how to tell it I don't want the update and I don't want to know about the update anymore either...

Guess I have some digging to do.

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