Monday, April 23, 2007

Class Wrap Up

I have been running the box for over 2 and a half months now. (Notice that Linux machines are always called Boxes for some reason) Things were really shaky at first and it continues to be a struggle when I try to do new things for the first time. If this were my only computer, I think I could manage to find the programs and resources I need to become as proficient with the operating system and applications as I am on my windows machine, but at this time I do not see the need to spend the time doing so. Other than the fact that it is all supposed to be free (as I learned the things I REALLY want aren't so "free") I see no valid reason to switch from the windows environment to the Linux world.

For the benefit of anyone that doesn't want to read through everything I have posted, the following 9 posts are the ones I have deemed most noteworthy. They are in reverse order so that they can be read by going through the blog from top to bottom. (or thanks to a suggestion by Jennifer L, you may click the links)

1. Memory Fun
2. Network Folders
3. Becoming a Linux Geek
4. I commited a CRIME
5. A Little R&R
6. Something Cool
7. Zip ping along
8. A Noble Thought A Royal Pain
9. Hardware / Drive Tests

To my loyal reader, (I only had 1) I hope you have enjoyed my blog as much as I have enjoyed creating it. There are no guarantees as to the next time I will post here or how long this information will remain so enjoy it while you can.


Jennifer K. Lubke said...

Jason, I was one of your "loyal readers" (perhaps the only one), and I really appreciate today's wrap up and "highlights reel." (Although, why not hyperlink the posts so I don't have to scroll?)

I haven't been as actively engaged with my Linux machine, which I will never call a "box." Since installing Ubuntu, I have noticed it running better than it has in months. I don't necessarily attribute that to Linux; re-installing an operating system was just a good, overall exercise for me and for the computer! As I mentioned in my own blog, my only complaint is it lost its wireless capability somehow during the process. As I seldom travel with my computer, it hasn't been much of an issue for me, but I do hope to resolve this problem sometime soon. I pretty much moved on to other projects for this class, which I have enjoyed more anyway.

Thanks again for all the advice and info.

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