Friday, February 9, 2007

Hardware / Drive Tests

Obviously the Video card and Monitor worked because I could see the Edubuntu desktop. Also the network card worked because it downloaded the updates. I clicked on the Places menu at the top of the screen then selected Computer to see what was there.

I had two floppy disks (only one actually installed in the computer), the Zip drive, the CD drive, the DVD drive, and a system drive.

System Drive - opened without a problem. Was able to see my files although I have no clue what any of them are.

Floppy Drive 1 - would not open Unable to Mount

Floppy Drive 2 - Opened without a problem. All files were accessible that were on the disk.

Zip Drive - Would not open Unable to Mount
error: Device /dev/hdb4 does not exist
error: Could not execute pmount

CD-Rom drive / Sound Card - I inserted a Music CD that also had video files. The system recognized it and asked which I wanted to play. I played the music files and the sound card was working. Next I inserted a CD-RW with some pictures on it. The system was unable to mount the drive claiming no medium was found.

DVD-RW - I moved the CD-RW to the DVD-RW drive were the system opened it and began displaying thumbnails of my pictures. I put a home-made DVD into the drive and Totem Video player came up but stated it could not play the DVD
error: No URI handler implemented for "DVD"
So I tried a DVD I had bought from the store. I got the same error.

With the exception of the ZIP drive, all of the hardware seems to work. I still don't know why I have two floppy drives listed and I will need to see if I can find a DVD decoder to play DVDs.

PS, the keyboard works fine so I got off the hook for not testing it. The mouse also operates as expected.

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