Nothing much special today. Evolution continues to be a pain in the neck and two other joints. I tried to download some images from the Internet today. I got them on the computer without a problem. I used GIMP to crop them then I tried to print them. They didn't print as well as I wanted them to so I took them to another computer that was running photoshop. Photoshop was not happy with the files and I could not figure out how to make it happy. I ended up re-downloading the images and modifying them in photoshop. They printed out much better. It was probably cheating but I didn't have the time or the patience to try to figure out how to do it a new way when the old way still works.
I solved lots of issues this week and created some new ones. Hopefully anyone that is following along has been amused by my assessments of my triumphs and failures. And maybe (just maybe) someone that is as foolish as I am is going through the same issues and has learned a thing or two... or can tell me a thing or two to fix some of my issues.
In the meantime... farewell my loyal fan(s)...