Well with the exception of a few things that are still on my primary computer, I have almost completed the conversion to the computer running Edubuntu. I spent most of the day looking stuff up on the internet and responding to e-mail, but I did edit a script for a webpage and upload it without a problem.
I rebooted the machine to see if the ZIP drive would work without a disk in it at boot and it does not. I'll just have to leave the disk in the drive or re-boot the machine when I need access to it. I really should transfer my files off those things, but they are still nice large floppy disks for holding my projects.
I tried to increase my display settings, and I figured out how to change the resolution SYSTEM -> PREFERENCES -> SCREEN RESOLUTION, but my monitor is already set to the highest resolution. Pictures and video look grainy at best. Maybe I'll lower it and see if it improves...
Anyway, after I post this I'll be shutting my computer off for the day. But I'm willing to bet there is no end to the fun and adventure in store when I boot it up tomorrow!