Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I commited a CRIME

Remember back the first week when I was trying to get my DVD player to work and I mentioned that I went to a site and installed the libdvdcss2 codecs and made my DVD player work. Remember how even back then I questioned the legality of it? Well today I downloaded a piece of software that informed me that downloading those codecs and installing them without paying to do so was a CRIME in the US (see post on Automatix for details). Isn't it nice how we can commit computer crimes every day without warning even when we are using free software. There was certainly nothing anywhere telling me that it was a crime to use those files when I was downloading them. And to top it all off, I'm not sure I can undo it. I also don't know who I would need to "pay" to make it legal... O'well... If the computer police come knocking on my door I will simply do like everyone else... pass the blame off on ignorance and hope for forgiveness. Anyone following in my footstep though YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

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